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When Is The Best Time To Move?

When is the best time to move?
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When Is The Best Time To Move?

Depending on when you move can be the real reason why you end up paying 30% more for your relocation. The best time to move ultimately depends on how much you're willing to spend. Peak moving season occurs between the summer months of April and September and is known as the busiest time of the year. Moving during this time is great because of the warm weather and children are more than likely out of school. Nonetheless, you're faced with a ton of traffic, overbooked services, and higher costs on homes if you didn't plan months in advance. As the moving season comes to a close, most movers wonder whether it's best to continue to move in the winter, fall, and spring seasons or wait until the season picks up again. Here at uBoxes, we are here to support and provide you with the best tips, moving boxes, and moving supplies to have a successful move during any season.

The Best Season To Move In

When movers ask "what is the best season to move in," the answer is simple... It all depends on what better fits your needs. If you're moving on a budget, looking for low rates, and less traffic then moving outside of the common moving season will be best for you.  In between these peak moving months, most people find it more convenient to move. However, the demand for trucks and moving companies' prices skyrocket tremendously compared to the offseason. In reality, every season has its flaws, so its best to plan accordingly and see what works best for you and your family.

Fall: Everyone knows the beginning of fall is the start of the school year and the stress of moving and getting your child accustomed to school after the long summer break maybe a little overwhelming. However, the weather is exceptionally perfect, you beat the freezing temperatures, and you just might have an opportunity at catching amazing deals on homes and services.

Winter: When moving during the winter, depending on where you live and or moving to, you face the dilemma of moving in cold, snowy weather as well as in the middle of the school year if you have underaged children. You also face the hectic holiday season and much shorter days, which means less daylight. You do, however, receive much better deals in real estate and moving and packing companies.

Spring: Spring is the season of heavy pollen, unpredictable rain, and probably one of the most important times for school students that have exams, proms, and sporting events. On the brighter side spring is the best time to sell your home, especially at great prices. While some will be trying to move in the summer and competing for homes on the market, others will want to purchase in the spring.

The Best Days To Move On

Moving is a memorable and stressful experience all in one and will change the dynamic of your life drastically. However, formulating dates and times can make this affair just a little bit easier. Avoid moving on Fridays and weekends, because these three particular days are the most popular and hectic. While it's more convenient, you're facing a crowd of other movers, moving companies that are booked, limited moving trucks, and a ton of traffic on the roads. It turns out that the best days during the week to move are between Mondays and Thursdays and whether you're superstitious or not it's said to believe that Thursdays is the luckiest day to move. There is far less demand on these days, along with a much lower cost on services. Taking a day or two off from work to get this done will pay off in the end. Trust us.

The Best Time Of Day To Move

We all know the saying "The early bird catches the worm" and those who start their moving venture earlier in the day get the best perks. If you've planned ahead and got a moving company to assist you, they'll more than likely want to start as early as 8 AM, meaning cooler weather depending on where you live. Starting early will ultimately give you more energy and motivation to get up and move, especially after a hot cup of Joe. This is also ideal for your hired moving company, as these professionals will more than likely be willing to work faster and want to avoid rising temperatures. All in all, the sooner you get started with your move, the sooner you can be finished and make time to unwind and unpack.

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